Photographers - Plewiński Wojciech
Born 31st August 1928 in Warsaw. Member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers since 19th June 1957.
Has been living in Krakow since 1949, when he started his studies in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Also studied at the Architecture Department of the Krakow University of Technology, receiving his degree in 1955. Gave up architecture for photography. Between 1956 and 1959 he has worked as a photographer at the Institute of Animal Production, together with Władysław Puchalski.
In 1957 he started working with ‘Przekrój’, and from 1959 he was working with Krakow’s theatres. His photos of the Old Theatre performances have been frequently exhibited. He also documented plays with costumes and scenography designed by Tadeusz Kantor.
Together with Zbigniew Łagocki and Wacław Nowak he formed the Domino Group in 1957, later renamed as the Group of Three.
W latach 70. kierował krakowskim oddziałem ZPAF, był również członkiem Rady Artystycznej ZPAF w Warszawie.
During the 70s he led the Krakow chapter of the Association of Polish Art Photographers, and was a member of the Artistic Board of the Association of Polish Art Photographers in Warsaw.