
Works of Tadeusz Kantor in photography of the members of the Association of Polish Art Photographers:


Scenography and costumes he designed for theatre: Balladyna, Don Quichot, Rhinoceros, Thunderbolt Rocket, Le Chandelier, Zawisza Czarny

Cricotages: Where are Last Years’ Snows,

Cricot 2: The Circus, The Water Hen, Dainty Shapes and Hairy Apes, The Dead Class, Wielopole, Wielopole, Let the Artists Die, I Shall Never Return, Tomorrow is My Birthday

Happening: The Dividing Line

Exhibitions: The Popular Exhibition (Anti-Exhibition)

Objects: objects and paintings

The objects
Today is my birthday
I Shall Never Return
Let the Artists Die. Revue.
Wielopole, Wielopole
Where are Last Year’s Snows
The Dead Class
Dainty Shapes and Hairy Apes (also known as Lovelies and Dowdies)
The Water Hen
The Dividing Line